Does it exist anymore and if it does…where?
It definitely is not with lawyers, politicians, CEOs, managers, teachers nor is it with the young.
Where did it go?
Did we forget to teach it?
On the other hand, did we "sweep it under the rug" because there are other so called important things to teach?
Maybe we are just taking the "oh what the hell-who cares" attitude.
Many believe it is easier to hire that attorney to "sweep it under the rug" rather than taking responsibility for our own actions.
Here is an idea, how about thinking about our actions before we act?
What happened? Have we become so selfish that we do not have any remorse? Is this a sign?
It seems to be an "old fashioned trait" but I have something to say about why, I feel, it is not there as much as it use to be.
I remember my parents telling me and my brothers, " may not be the decision you want to hear but it is the RIGHT decision", "we do the RIGHT thing the first time and we take responsibility".
I can still hear my father, God rest his soul-I love and miss you Dad, saying, "T, we choose the path we take, we can do right or we can do wrong... how do you want to feel about yourself...can you sleep at night with that decision?"
My Father was an inspiration to me and still is....he is the reason I choose the RIGHT not so favorable decision. He taught me to hold INTEGRITY to its highest to always be conscience of the decisions I make and to understand the consequences should I choose otherwise.
I don't feel that many people even give a damn about INTEGRITY. Its more like DOG EAT DOG, or ME ME ME.
Its not right.
People doing WRONG because they want to and because they can and don't care.
How do we get it back?
Can we get it back?
Who is going to be the role model and set that standard, because I believe its buried so deep
today that we may see more lies, greed and deceit than ever before.
I wonder if hell is going to be full this year....
So, with my long winded essay, as my boss says about my blog, I leave you all with a few final words to ponder found from Merriam-Webster...
Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonym see HONESTY
This is me and I have INTEGRITY do you?
Does it exist anymore and if it does…where?
It definitely is not with lawyers, politicians, CEOs, managers, teachers nor is it with the young.
Where did it go?
Did we forget to teach it?
On the other hand, did we "sweep it under the rug" because there are other so called important things to teach?
Maybe we are just taking the "oh what the hell-who cares" attitude.
Many believe it is easier to hire that attorney to "sweep it under the rug" rather than taking responsibility for our own actions.
Here is an idea, how about thinking about our actions before we act?
What happened? Have we become so selfish that we do not have any remorse? Is this a sign?
It seems to be an "old fashioned trait" but I have something to say about why, I feel, it is not there as much as it use to be.
I remember my parents telling me and my brothers, " may not be the decision you want to hear but it is the RIGHT decision", "we do the RIGHT thing the first time and we take responsibility".
I can still hear my father, God rest his soul-I love and miss you Dad, saying, "T, we choose the path we take, we can do right or we can do wrong... how do you want to feel about yourself...can you sleep at night with that decision?"
My Father was an inspiration to me and still is....he is the reason I choose the RIGHT not so favorable decision. He taught me to hold INTEGRITY to its highest to always be conscience of the decisions I make and to understand the consequences should I choose otherwise.
I don't feel that many people even give a damn about INTEGRITY. Its more like DOG EAT DOG, or ME ME ME.
Its not right.
People doing WRONG because they want to and because they can and don't care.
How do we get it back?
Can we get it back?
Who is going to be the role model and set that standard, because I believe its buried so deep
today that we may see more lies, greed and deceit than ever before.
I wonder if hell is going to be full this year....
So, with my long winded essay, as my boss says about my blog, I leave you all with a few final words to ponder found from Merriam-Webster...
Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonym see HONESTY
This is me and I have INTEGRITY do you?