What would you do with it if you could do anything you wanted with it.
Would you turn back time?
Speed ahead to the future?
Maybe slow it down…a bit so you could accomplish a lot more in the hours of the day, week, month etc.
How about add more hours to the day?
We can hold time, "If I had more time on my hands…"
Would you "waste time"?
How about "Now isn't a good time" or "Its just not the right time" does this mean the same as, "its just bad timing"?
Pray for "better times" or "good times"?
Ever given the "gift of time"?
I would do all sorts of things with time.
I would be the "KEEPER OF TIME".
First I would reverse time to reverse and change the events which were very traumatic for society and for the people I love.
I would make time stand still when I am blessed with the presence of the ones that I love or an event I never want to forget nor to end.
I would speed up time to reach a goal, speed up work time, chore time, so I can finish sooner than later.
I would slow down time or add more time to the weekend or to my vacation.
More sleep time would be nice too.
Imagine if time didn’t matter.
Imagine if it were something that we controlled individually.
Imagine, never hearing, "I don’t have enough time…"