Now a days a corporation SHOULD cater to the dedicated. This isn’t a new concept its been going on for years.
iHave 20+ years with AT&T and iLove the fact they are so tech savy.
iHave anticipated the next “WHOOPLAH” device they come out with. It is truly exciting to be part of an organization which has unlimited resources and what seems to be a “Wizard behind a curtain”.
iPurchased the Cingular PalmTreo close to a year ago and have been having the time of my life with it. iHave sold this phone to my friends, family and peers just because “iHave” it. These people look at me as a representative of the company-they say, “hey can you tell me about the…..”, “what does the ….. do”, “you know iHave a problem with my…..can you help me out”. iAm PROUD to be the phone company to a lot of them.
Over the last several months, iHave waited patiently but with much excitement the coming of the iPhone.
iDanced around when iHeard about it, contemplated all the things it will do and what iWould do. iWas so extremely excited and could not wait to be one of the “FIRSTs”. Kinda like a little “Ambassador” if you will of the company.
Since my current cell phone contract doesn’t allow me a device upgrade yet-iWould have to pay full price for any cell device iDecide to purchase. My PalmTreo is out of warranty and since it is a high end phone you aren’t able to purchase insurance to cover replacement. (iHave replaced this equipment twice so iAnticipate needing to pay full price for a replacement soon.)
Then on June 22 it was like being hit in the stomach by Oscar De La Hoya.
The company announced to its employees:
“Customers first:
Attracting new customers drives growth, which benefits us all. We anticipate overwhelming demand for the iPhone, giving us a unique and powerful opportunity to attract customers from our competitors. We need to focus all our resources on meeting that demand, and for that reason, we will not offer employee discounts of any kind on the iPhone, nor will there be any concession on the rate plans used with this device. This applies to all employees at all levels. Employees who choose to buy the iPhone must purchase it at the consumer price and must use it on a regular, undiscounted, consumer rate plan.”
iHave had cell phone service through AT&T since the “bag phone” era. iHave 20+ years with the company, and iHave been a loyal landline customer since divestiture. iPay my bill(s) and jump at almost every opportunity to be a “newby” with their new inventions/creations. What is so hard about me wanting to purchase the iPhone at full price and transfer my, discounted by 19%, $100 a month plan? WHY IS THAT SO BAD!!!! Why do iHave to loose my discount to continue my business with a global company? (My current plan includes all the data & media packages necessary for a high end cellphone.)
iAm truly disappointed.
So now what?
Some say, “quit yer complainin…just buy the darn phone and get a new plan if you want it so badly”, and iAlso got, “well, don’t you need other things first?”, “….just wait and sit on it for a while, something better will come out of this.”
Seriously iLove people’s optimism, especially these days, but you know what ALL THAT IS NOT WHAT iWANT TO HEAR.
DARN IT ALL…. iWORK FOR THE PHONE COMPANY!!!! iWant the iPhone-iWill gladly pay full price but iWant my CURRENT plan, and iWant to be one of the first to have it! Oh do iHave to throw a temper tantrum.
Well this is my conclusion-IF iAm ALLOWED to transfer my current cell number to this DEVICE-surely iWill have to sign another 2 year contract, no big deal iCan do that (currently have one year left to my current contract) and iWill loose my current 19% employee discount, not really a biggie, iCan just sign up for a LESS expensive plan.
Look at it this way, instead of them collecting a $100 bucks a month from me-now they will only collect $79.99.
Are you LOST?
iHave 20+ years with AT&T and iLove the fact they are so tech savy.
iHave anticipated the next “WHOOPLAH” device they come out with. It is truly exciting to be part of an organization which has unlimited resources and what seems to be a “Wizard behind a curtain”.

Over the last several months, iHave waited patiently but with much excitement the coming of the iPhone.

Since my current cell phone contract doesn’t allow me a device upgrade yet-iWould have to pay full price for any cell device iDecide to purchase. My PalmTreo is out of warranty and since it is a high end phone you aren’t able to purchase insurance to cover replacement. (iHave replaced this equipment twice so iAnticipate needing to pay full price for a replacement soon.)
Then on June 22 it was like being hit in the stomach by Oscar De La Hoya.
The company announced to its employees:
“Customers first:
Attracting new customers drives growth, which benefits us all. We anticipate overwhelming demand for the iPhone, giving us a unique and powerful opportunity to attract customers from our competitors. We need to focus all our resources on meeting that demand, and for that reason, we will not offer employee discounts of any kind on the iPhone, nor will there be any concession on the rate plans used with this device. This applies to all employees at all levels. Employees who choose to buy the iPhone must purchase it at the consumer price and must use it on a regular, undiscounted, consumer rate plan.”
iHave had cell phone service through AT&T since the “bag phone” era. iHave 20+ years with the company, and iHave been a loyal landline customer since divestiture. iPay my bill(s) and jump at almost every opportunity to be a “newby” with their new inventions/creations. What is so hard about me wanting to purchase the iPhone at full price and transfer my, discounted by 19%, $100 a month plan? WHY IS THAT SO BAD!!!! Why do iHave to loose my discount to continue my business with a global company? (My current plan includes all the data & media packages necessary for a high end cellphone.)
iAm truly disappointed.
So now what?
Some say, “quit yer complainin…just buy the darn phone and get a new plan if you want it so badly”, and iAlso got, “well, don’t you need other things first?”, “….just wait and sit on it for a while, something better will come out of this.”
Seriously iLove people’s optimism, especially these days, but you know what ALL THAT IS NOT WHAT iWANT TO HEAR.
DARN IT ALL…. iWORK FOR THE PHONE COMPANY!!!! iWant the iPhone-iWill gladly pay full price but iWant my CURRENT plan, and iWant to be one of the first to have it! Oh do iHave to throw a temper tantrum.
Well this is my conclusion-IF iAm ALLOWED to transfer my current cell number to this DEVICE-surely iWill have to sign another 2 year contract, no big deal iCan do that (currently have one year left to my current contract) and iWill loose my current 19% employee discount, not really a biggie, iCan just sign up for a LESS expensive plan.
Look at it this way, instead of them collecting a $100 bucks a month from me-now they will only collect $79.99.
Are you LOST?