My car.
My car abruptly left me.
Needed a battery.
Never knew a battery would just QUIT.
It did.
I had no tools, no options.
I bought the tools, the battery and a Snickers bar and change it myself.
I could have waited for a tow truck, but lord only knows what "wrench" that would bring.
I wasn't happy.
I was quite the "wrench" to say the least.
However, $70 and 20 minutes later I was back on my way and we all know that if I were to be waiting for a tow truck, mechanic etc, I may still be waiting.
So inspite of what some may think.... there are other things out there that can be just as necessary.
So, does that qualify you as a wrench wench?
Inquiring minds, an' all...
Well Camo, if you must...however, I've been called worse.
Doesn't suprise me at all. Not many people swap out hard drives in PC's, fix window screens, rebuild dishwashers, raise their children, work a bajillion hours a week and yet find the time to be so perfectly beautiful. Plus offer a soft shoulder to the man that loves her............
Your alternator OK? Ya know Everything needs food.
Island Girl TLA:
FYI, I only mean wench in a complimentary way.
Libby Gone™:
My emails to you have been bouncing...
Oh Camo...I know!!
OK... :-)
You go girl!
I'd rather 'wrench' than 'plumb', and can do both in an emergency, but hate both. I always gouge a knuckle or bust a nail. :o(