
Well this is going to be pretty much a riddle to most but I have to start somewhere.

Have you ever been called a “wrench”?

Ever had to “wrench”, having no idea what to do but you attempted it anyway.

“Wrenching” because there wasn’t any other solution.

Well Saturday I encountered the masses of the above.

Left Stranded Holding a cell phone and credit card.

The thing that I relied on and cared for every day-for a while, left me.

Just abruptly left me.

Faced with nothing except the real honest to goodness truth.

I turned into a “wrench”.

I had to. I had no choice.

I had to be the “wrench” because there wasn’t options.

Maybe there was an option but I didn’t know how long I would have to wait-didn’t know what I would be waiting for-could have ended up being nothing more than another “wrench” in the gear.


I threw on the tool belt

Dug in my heels

And “wrenched” on it.

What am I?
1 Response
  1. camojack Says:

    I call myself a "wrench", in fact...since I'm an aircraft mechanic by trade.

    Others might call me a wretch.
    (They're just jealous...)